
Sleeping in didn’t work but I did my best to lay around as long as possible to let some people catch up to me. When I finally got out of my tent after 9:00, Mac was sitting at the picnic table. Some more hikers showed up one by one until finally Stretch walked in! She should have caught up to me while I was at the wedding but got stuck in town extra during a snow storm last week. We got caught up on the 8 mile hike to the Acton KOA.


First there was trail magic at the road, a hiker’s brother and his family in an RV had sodas, beer, sausage, and cookies. Then we got to the KOA with its ice cream, pool, and hot tub. Showers first, of course!

Some restaurants in town deliver so I ordered from the Mexican-Italian-American-Chinese bistro for dinner. I may have been ambitious in my order but that just means I have food left for breakfast.


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  1. Yay so glad Stretch caught up to you! Sounds like a great day!

  2. Yay! Glad you & Stretch have been reunited! 🙂

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